Friday, March 27, 2009

Oberon Release Update

In addition to the Stub and Herb's release, here are a few more from MNBeer:

Bell’s Oberon release parties… Monday, March 30 8-11pm, Bryant Lake Bowl. Best fake tan will some prizes. Tuesday, March 31st, Bulldog Lowertown in St. Paul 7-10 pm.
Not sure if these are "official" release parties, with reps in attendance, swag, etc., but should be fun times anyhow.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Oberon Release MSP

According a post on beeradvocate the Oberon release will be April 1 at Stub and Herb's.

Unfortunately, it's the same night as Lost, so I'll try to make it out, but it won't be as raucous of an evening as the last two years.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Magic Hat #9 Release

From MNBeer:

Head on over to The Happy Gnome on Thursday, March 12th at 5pm. Magic Hat Brewing Company will be releasing #9 to the MN market. Enjoy!
I am so there.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Reviews: A Smattering

I had three new beers tonight, and here are the a sentence...each:

  • Leinenkugel's Classic Amber: Basically a Leine's version of Samuel Adam's Boston Lager, but better, because it's cheaper and Leinenkugel's.
  • Boulevard Single-wide IPA: A moderate IPA that does nothing to rival Sierra Nevada's selection, but is nonetheless a welcome choice on the shelf (mostly for its price-point).
  • Samuel Adams Blackberry Wit: Too much blackberry, too much sugar, not enough balance; probably more tasty in the Summer than the Purgatory of weather that is March.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Update: Bell's Batch 9000 Info

If you were curious what form Bell's Batch 9000 would take, look no further than the above picture. Yes, you read that right: "Malt beverage brewed with molasses and brewer's licorice." I have no idea what that means in terms of end-product, and now I'm just more curious. Way to go picture; you did nothing to quell my anticipation.

If you want a back story of Bell's commemorative beers and speculation about the release date, I'd recommend taking a jaunt over to for a nice write-up.