This is the weirdest thing.
I was perusing the Brouwerij Huyghe website after updating the "Current Favorites" section to include Delirium Noel when I stumbled upon this horrific wonder. It's called Rubbel Sexy Lager. There's no explanation for its existence on the website.
According to the BeerAdvocate reviews (all four of them), it's horrible...and apparently its only redeeming factor is that the "sexy" ladies' bikinis are scratch off. So strange. So, so strange. Especially coming from a brewery that produces the amazing Delirium line (Tremens, Nocturnum, Noel).
If you want more not-so-sexy-very-eighties pictures, go here, click "Product," and scroll to the bottom of the page. Yes, it's a crappy website.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Sexy? Lager
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Labels: Brouwerij Huyghe, What Not to Drink, What to Drink